Wildlife webcam season has arrived and there’s plenty going on all over the UK and beyond. Below are a selection of the webcams we’ve been enjoying recently…
(Note: If you’re reading this post in the Autumn or Winter then there may not be much to see, some feeds may even be offline. If so don’t forget to check back in the Spring when all the action starts again.)
Peregrines – Leamington Spa
These peregrines are nesting in a tower above Leamington Spa’s town hall where they can be viewed from two camera angles. They’re sitting on eggs at the moment but once they’ve hatched Leamington Spa’s pigeon population had better be on their guard.

More peregrine webcams can be found in Leicester, Sheffield and Rochdale.
Ospreys – Scotland
Not only does this feed feature ospreys but also sound, this means that anytime of the day or night you can tune in and listen to the sounds of the Scottish highlands.
Ospreys were wiped out in the UK due to egg collecting but naturally returned to Scotland from Scandinavia in the 1950s. In England they have only been back nesting since 2001 following an absence of over 150 years.

More ospreys at Rutland Water.
A Bat Roost in Essex.
There’s always plenty of comings and goings in the roof of Hanningfield Reservoir visitor centre in Essex. Expect lots of fidgeting, scratching and jostling for position from these restless soprano pipistrelle bats.

Barn Owls in Essex.
Also in Essex you can watch the daily enterprise of this pair of barn owls. They’re not always at home and there are no eggs yet, but lots of careful nest preparation is underway along with plenty of mutual preening.

Storks in Holland
If you fancy something slightly more exotic then why not try this webcam from Holland featuring white storks. There are fine views of the town behind this nest and great footage of these majestic birds day and night.

Good information, thank you. We have enjoyed caring and providing shelter for hedgehogs over the years but have not seen any for the past 6/7 months though found 3 dead ones. Someone suggested there is a ‘hog pox’ on the rampage which is deadly to hedgehogs. Do you know anything about this?
Thanks for your comment. I’ve not heard about that. If the suggestion is correct, it’s very worrying. Our fast declining hedgehogs can do without anymore threats.