The Bee Fly (Bombylius major) – Looks Dangerous…Actually Harmless (to humans)
The bee fly is an interesting and dangerous looking insect. Despite their alarming looks they do not sting or bite but their larvae have a more sinister secret. Read more
Wildlife & Conservation
The bee fly is an interesting and dangerous looking insect. Despite their alarming looks they do not sting or bite but their larvae have a more sinister secret. Read more
Cellar spiders, they’re quite scary to look at and have messy webs. Not a suitable housemate you may think. Well think again… Read more
Before you rush off to buy some new lens covers for your binoculars, have a rummage in your sock draw, you may just save yourself some money. Read more
Find out when is the best time to prune ivy to keep it under control whilst providing the maximum benefit to wildlife? Read more
Peanuts are an energy-packed treat for birds but they can clog up the feeders in which they hang. Find out how to keep your peanut feeders fresher for longer. Read more
These are bleak times for the natural world around us, non-human life on earth is decreasing rapidly. Read more
Striking, mysterious, and a little bit dangerous (if you’re a small insect), teasel is a great-looking wildflower with an interesting working past. Read more
One of the best ways to attract wildlife is a compost heap. It’s very easy to do and provides a vital habitat for some of our most important garden creatures. Read more
Birds don’t sweat, and they can’t change what they’re wearing, so how do they keep themselves cool on a hot summer day? Read more
Less work for you and your lawnmower, more habitat for nature…find out why leaving wild areas in your lawn is a win-win situation. Read more